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Real Device Testing

Real Device Testing For Enterprise: A Getting Started Guide

Real device testing is a crucial phase of the mobile app development process. It enables developers and QA to test the app’s performance, functionality, and usability on real, physical devices. It helps to uncover issues that might not be noticeable during testing on emulators or simulators.   In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about getting started with real device testing.   Table of Contents   What is a Real Device? What is Real Device Testing? Why Use Real Devices to Test Mobile Apps? When to Test Mobile Apps on Real Devices? Real Device vs. Virtual Device Testing Limitations of Real Device Testing Getting Started with Real Device Cloud Conclusion     What is a Real Device? A real device refers to the actual physical device an end user uses to run an application in real-world scenarios.   For mobile applications, real devices are the consumer mobile phones, tablets, and wearables that everyday users carry and interact with. Testing software on real iPhone, Android, and iPad devices provides insights into the genuine hardware, operating systems, screen sizes, and chipsets that customers experience. For specialized industrial, scientific, or medical monitoring software, it’s the actual monitoring device.   Using a diversity of real mobile devices during testing allows issues that may only appear on specific device models or platforms to be caught. Testing on real devices provides the most accurate test scenario compared to simulators and emulators. What is Real Device Testing? Real device testing, also called local device testing, is the process of running and evaluating mobile apps on real devices instead of emulators or simulators. This testing involves installing the app on various mobile devices with different operating systems, screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware specs.   The goal is to ensure that the mobile app functions appropriately and provides a consistent user experience across the myriad of devices that customers will use. To perform adequate testing on real devices, test engineers need access to diverse physical devices or cloud-based services that provide remote access to an extensive catalog of real devices.   The engineers will execute various tests during testing, including functionality, performance, usability, compatibility, and security. Thorough mobile device testing identifies issues and defects that may not surface during simulator testing. Testing on real devices ultimately validates that the app is high-quality and ready for release across the targeted mobile platforms. Why Use Real Devices to Test Mobile Apps? Real device testing provides more accurate and comprehensive app evaluation compared to emulators or simulators. By testing apps on actual user devices, developers can identify issues that may go undetected in simulated environments.   Following are some advantages of real device testing: Accurate Testing Environment – Local devices offer a precise testing environment that accounts for varying hardware specifications and real-world network conditions. This allows developers to assess performance factors like battery drainage, device heating, lagging interfaces, and crashing apps. Comprehensive Testing – Testing on real devices facilitates more thorough testing across app functionality, usability, reliability, and security. Real device testing data exposes flaws that may cause apps to crash or malfunction over long-term use. Better User Experience – Testing apps on target user devices provides contextual insight into real-world UX pain points. Testing via emulators fails to replicate nuances of actual user workflows, gestures, and ergonomics. Real device testing surfaces these issues. Improved Reliability – By identifying and fixing issues impacting real device reliability, developers can improve app stability and prevent crashes. Real device testing thereby ensures apps function smoothly for end users. Access Specialized Hardware – Certain devices offer unique hardware functions unavailable on standard emulators. For example, testing apps on devices with satellite connectivity, custom controllers, or vehicle integration kits requires real devices. When to Test Mobile Apps on Real Devices? Mobile testing on physical devices should be done at various stages throughout the mobile app development process. Here are some instances when mobile testing on real devices is particularly important:   Initial Development – Early real device testing surfaces bugs missed in simulators relating to system conflicts, battery drain, lagging interfaces, and device heating. Addressing such issues from initial builds saves significant QA time down the line. Pre-Launch – Rigorous real device testing is indispensable right before public launch to evaluate real-world app performance. Testing across diverse user devices identifies adoption-blocking issues emulators cannot reveal. Post-Updates – Whenever substantial updates or changes are made, comprehensive real-device testing must follow to catch any new bugs affecting app stability. Since updates risk breaking existing functions, diligent testing prevents disruptions. Platform-Specific Testing – Apps built for specific platforms like IoT, vehicles, or industrial systems must be tested directly on those devices pre-launch. Unique hardware and connectivity must be validated with real-world testing. New Feature Validation – Real device testing ensures smooth integration and prevents functionality gaps with each new feature. New features often carry compatibility risks, making local testing critical. Real Device vs. Virtual Device Testing Here is a comparison between real testing devices and virtual testing devices:   Criteria Real Device Testing Virtual Device Testing Cost More expensive to purchase and maintain device inventory Minimal cost to install emulators/simulators Reliability Provides the most accurate real-world testing conditions Cannot fully replicate real devices and hardware/software configurations Processing Speed Testing is faster due to running on actual device hardware Slower speed due to simulating hardware and binary translation Debugging Can be more difficult to debug apps on real devices Built-in controls and visibility aid debugging Cross-Platform Testing Requires purchasing different device types and platforms A single machine (PC) can simulate multiple device types     As mentioned earlier, virtual device testing cannot replicate real-world scenarios, so testing on real devices is important to get accurate testing results for real-world conditions. However, real device testing often has limitations, particularly scalability and reliability issues. Let’s discuss some of those limitations. Limitations of Real Device Testing Following are the limitations of real device testing:   Demanding Maintenance: In-house device labs call for round-the-clock upkeep – installing updates, replacing
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Real Device Testing

Effective Visual Regression Testing Strategies For 2024

Effective Visual Regression Testing Strategies For 2024 In today’s world, software products are continuously updated with new technology advancements. While these updates are crucial for businesses, they can unintentionally introduce bugs into applications and websites. If testing fails to catch and fix these bugs thoroughly, organizations can suffer significant financial losses when the software is used in the real world.   Typically, testing focuses more on software functions than user interface (UI) and visual elements. However, bugs that impact a software’s look and feel deserve equal priority. Regressions from software updates can directly impact the usability and experience of applications and websites. This is where visual regression testing is essential.   Visual regression testing, a type of visual testing, ensures updates to the system, code, or software do not negatively affect the user interface or overall usability. This article provides more details on visual regression testing and effective visual regression testing strategies for 2024.   So let’s get started!   Table of Contents What is Visual Regression Testing? Why is Visual Regression Testing Important? Benefits of Visual Regression Testing Visual Regression Testing Strategies for 2024 Conclusion What is Visual Regression Testing? Visual regression testing, often called visual software testing, is a quality assurance process that checks if all visible components of an application’s user interface (UI) appear reliable and suitable from the user’s perspective. It checks if the user interface (UI) of an application, website, or software still appears accurately after any code changes.   The two primary goals of conducting visual regression testing are:   Guarantee visual consistency, which means verifying that the visual layout and arrangement of all UI elements, including buttons, menus, icons, text, and so on, continue to appear cohesive and intact after any new software modifications or updates. Ensuring visual fidelity, which means confirming that the application’s front-end displays information, data, fonts, styles, alignments, and overall aesthetics exactly as intended visually.   Visual regression testing is a crucial quality assurance process that verifies all visual UI components of a software application to appear reliably and consistently to the end-user in the intended visual design across varying interfaces.   This testing works by creating, analyzing, and comparing browser screenshots of the UI. The objective is to detect any pixel changes, referred to as visual diffs, perceptual diffs, CSS diffs, or UI diffs. This ensures the application’s functionality and intended visual experience remain intact through software updates. Why is Visual Regression Testing Important? Visual regression testing is becoming vital in today’s continuous integration workflows. It ensures new changes do not negatively impact the layout as the application evolves across versions and browsers.   It is critical for preventing potentially costly visual defects from reaching real-world application usage. Failure to visually validate UI updates can severely degrade user experience and result in revenue leakage. This is because traditional functional testing focuses narrowly on validating data inputs and outputs. While helpful for catching many backend bugs, it overlooks front-end visual inconsistencies like misaligned icons, incorrect fonts, impaired responsiveness, or obscured elements that frustrate users. Subtle visual flaws easily slip through even robust functional test suites.   Visual regression testing strategically compares the latest UI screenshots against earlier versions to safely identify and fix visual inconsistencies before they reach customers. Checking renderer correctness across browsers is essential because visual impressions profoundly influence user perceptions of application credibility and vendor competence. Benefits of Visual Regression Testing Visual regression testing offers several advantages that enhance quality assurance:   Improves User Experience: A single automated visual test can check multiple UI parameters, including label presence, font types, alignment, layout, colors, and links for inconsistencies. Detecting even minor issues early averts negative user experiences in production. Cost Reduction: By auto-validating visual aspects, the tedious effort of manual checks is drastically lowered. Testers focus more on impactful interpretive analysis rather than repetitive comparisons for efficiency gains. High-Quality Software: Automated visual testing frequently and rapidly reveals small and large-scale UI discrepancies across browsers and devices. It facilitates fixing these promptly so high visual quality becomes intrinsic to the application. Enhances Functional Testing: The graphical insight from visual checks makes the application’s behavior more readily understandable over functional testing alone. It boosts efficiencies in creating automated functional scripts. Visual Regression Testing Strategies for 2024 Following are some strategies that can make visual regression testing easier and more efficient: Dynamic Content Handling Websites and apps often update information automatically. This means content is changing all the time. For example, ads, news feeds, or clocks get refreshed. Handle changing content smartly by using techniques that understand and adapt to these changes during testing. Employ techniques such as excluding dynamic regions or utilizing visual testing tools that can intelligently ignore dynamic content. Cloud Testing Cloud testing is changing the way we access testing infrastructure. It provides flexible and on-demand services that make it easy to access various browsers and devices without dealing with configuration complexities. Teams can configure and run thousands of test scenarios effortlessly, making testing more adaptable.   Using cloud infrastructure, the testing approach completely transforms how visual flaws are identified and brings unparalleled efficiency and scalability to the software testing process. Leverage cloud-based testing platforms like LambdaTest to run visual tests on the cloud. It offers AI-powered visual regression testing (also known as Smart UI) to automatically detect visual inconsistencies across environments. This makes it the preferred choice among various cloud testing platforms. CI/CD Integration Connect visual regression testing with your continuous Integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This bakes automatic visual checks into every code update along the development path. It means someone double-checks the look and feel of UI changes before they ever go live.   By injecting visual tests into the automated release workflow, you guard against sneakily introducing problems for users. It acts like a visual quality gate. For example, say a color scheme gets accidentally altered, or the font size shifts noticeably across the site unexpectedly. Visual testing within the pipelines catches tricky stuff like that. Parallelization Parallelization allows running multiple
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developers and product owners

5 collaborate with developers and product owners

Collaborate with developers and product owners Performing automation testing in the application development life cycle is crucial to quickly verify the application is of high quality and bug-free. There are multiple aspects to testing to ensure that the application is of robust quality and meets the user’s requirements such as Regression testing, Visual regression testing, performance testing. Acceptance criteria and user stories are the two crucial aspects of a comprehensive application development process.   In application development and testing, achieving a market-fit application that meets users’ needs and requirements, user stories, and acceptance criteria both are essential. They are the main formats of documenting requirements that form the foundation for successful application. Although they are closely related, each serves distinct functions in the development process.   User stories aim to describe what the user wants the application to do. It provides a high-level understanding of a feature from the end user’s perspective. Whereas, the acceptance criteria are essentially the tests that an application must pass to demonstrate that it has met all the user requirements. They are more technical, focusing on explaining the conditions that a specific user story must satisfy.   While user stories describe the desired outcome, acceptance criteria outline the steps to achieve that outcome by offering a checklist ensuring the feature behaves as intended from an end-user perspective.   In this article, we will explore how developers and product owners can collaborate to define acceptance criteria for user stories to drive their testing process. We will also provide an overview of the importance of acceptance criteria for user stories and when it should be created for effective user stories. Lastly, we will discuss some tips to define acceptance criteria for user stories that will help developers align their testing efforts with user expectations, enhance collaboration, and deliver high-quality applications. But before we do that, it is important to first understand what acceptance criteria and user stories are. What are the acceptance criteria? Acceptance criteria are a set of several prerequisites and conditions to validate an application meets its requirements to be accepted by end users to consider a user story to be finished.  They verify the application’s development and ensure that its behaviors and functionalities operate as intended, without any flaws or bugs. The acceptance criteria specifically state the conditions for fulfilling the user story and satisfying the product owner and the end user who will be interacting with it.   They aim to define a product’s expected behaviors, functionalities, and outcomes, but they do not delve into finding out the specific steps to achieve these outcomes or implement a specific functionality. This is because the purpose of acceptance criteria is to state the aim, not the solution.   Acceptance criteria are sometimes also referred to as the “definition of done” because they determine the scope and requirements to be executed by developers by taking all possible scenarios into account and considering the user story to be finished. This is because they give developers the context needed to execute a user story.   In short, they specify the conditions under which a user story can be said to be ‘done’. When the team meets all the criteria, they set the task aside and move on to the next story. Traits of an effective acceptance criteria A good acceptance criterion possesses some specific qualities. Therefore while creating acceptance criteria, the following should be kept in mind. They should be clear and concise so that all team members can easily understand. It should also provide necessary information avoiding unnecessary detail that creates confusion. They should be achievable and testable; that is should be written in the context of a real user’s experience. Must align with the project’s objectives so that testers can determine whether it has been met or not. Another important aspect of acceptance criteria is that they should be defined before the team starts working on a specific user story. Otherwise, there are chances that deliverables will not meet the needs and expectations of users.   Keep a note here that acceptance criteria describe what the result should be, not the process of achieving it. What are user stories? A user story is essential and the first step to excellent application development. It helps to clearly define what users want, this as a result encourages collaboration among developers, testers, and stakeholders so that they can work together and create an application that meets their needs and provides a more satisfying user experience.   It also helps development teams to identify potential issues and challenges early in the development process allowing them to focus on the most important features first. This as a result, leads to a better result. The purpose of user stories is to fully understand why and what problem needs to be solved, but it does not focus on the solution. The teams move to creating acceptance criteria once the user story is complete. Importance of acceptance criteria for user stories The criteria reflect what the users want instead of what the developers think they want. More often, user stories can be vague and open to interpretation if not defined correctly. In that case, it is possible for functional requirements to match with user stories but not reflect their intent. Acceptance criteria help teams to identify that the user story was correctly interpreted into the application’s functional requirements. Meaning helps them confirm that they will match user expectations and desires.   Acceptance criteria also help development teams sync up with the product owner’s expectations. This ensures development to lay down precisely what they are expected to meet. When acceptance criteria should be created? Before the beginning of development, acceptance criteria must be created.  Their use marks the point of development where the user story is finished satisfactorily. Well-written acceptance criteria keep away unexpected results at the end of a development stage and help to ensure that all stakeholders and users are satisfied with the final result. Tips for collaborating with developers and product
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Web Elements

10 Handle Dynamic Web Elements and Locators

Handle Dynamic Web Elements and Locators Identifying the correct web elements to perform the required operations is the first step in automation testing. If this step fails, the entire test fails. So, using efficient strategies for web element identification is critical. Web Element not found is the most common error when initially running scripts. Identifying the web elements using locators like ID, Name, XPath, or CSS from the HTML snippets seems straightforward. But it isn’t always that simple. Sometimes, IDs and classes of web elements keep changing. Such elements are called Dynamic Web Elements. These are database-driven elements whose values refresh when the database updates.   In this article, we will understand how to handle dynamic web elements and locators in the page object model framework.   What is the Page Object Model (POM)? The Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern used in Selenium test automation to create an object repository for web elements. With POM, we encapsulate the web elements of each page in the application into separate “page object” classes. These classes act as repositories that contain the locators and methods for interacting with the UI components on that page.   For example, we would have a Login Page class containing the username and password text boxes, login button, etc. We store the IDs, XPaths, or other locators for those elements in this class. It also contains methods like type Username(), type Password(), click Login() to perform actions on those web elements.   The page object classes are typically stored under a separate package like “pages.” The test classes use the methods encapsulated in these page objects to interact with the application under test. Why Page Object Model? The below-mentioned points depict the need for a Page Object Model in Selenium. Avoids Duplicated Code Referring to elements directly in tests leads to duplicated locator code across multiple scripts. Any UI change breaks all tests referencing that element. Page Object Model centralizes the element locators and access methods in one place, avoiding duplication. Less Time Consuming Without Page Objects, testers need to individually update every test script accessing that element if an element changes. This is inefficient and prone to missed updates. With Page Objects, only the central Page Object definition requires updates to propagate to all tests.   Enables Code Maintenance Encapsulating page interaction details like locators into Page Objects removes test scripts from underlying UI changes. If elements change, only the single Page Object class needs alteration rather than potentially thousands of test case scripts. This simplification enables maintenance. Minimizes Update Effort If primary UI revamps occur, like relocating menu buttons without Page Objects, the effort to update affected tests is proportional to usage volume. However, Page Objects localize the required changes to just the Page Object mapping the impacted elements, minimizing overall update effort. Dynamic Web Elements In Selenium Dynamic web elements in Selenium refer to those elements on a web page that change their attributes or even their existence during the application’s lifecycle. These changes can occur for various reasons, including asynchronous loading via AJAX requests, user interactions that trigger dynamic changes, content refresh, and elements loaded inside i frames. The presence and attributes of these elements may vary, making them a significant pain point in web UI automation. Handling Dynamic Web Elements There are many ways to handle dynamic web elements; let’s discuss the same with examples: 1. Explicit Waits Explicit waits are among the most common and practical methods for handling dynamic elements that take time to load or frequently change state. Using Web Driver Wait and Expected Conditions in Selenium, we can pause the test script until the desired condition is met, such as an element becoming visible, present in the DOM, clickable, etc. This prevents flaky test failures from the script trying to interact too soon before the page is ready.   Some best practices for explicit waits include setting reasonable timeouts based on how long elements usually take to load, checking for multiple conditions like visibility and click ability to prevent subtle bugs, and being as precise as possible in what element state we are waiting for.   Waits can also slow down test execution. There is a balance between stability and speed. For the fastest test runs, implicit waits or sleeps would be quickest but most prone to issues. So, explicit waits are an essential and versatile technique for dealing with dynamic elements that appear, refresh, or enable/disable based on backend calls and user actions. 2. Fluent Waits Fluent waits are an extension of explicit waits that provide further configurability and flexibility when dealing with dynamic elements. While explicit waits have a single timeout duration used for every condition check, fluent waits allow setting variable polling intervals that adjust how often a check occurs. This lets us query elements that take widely varying times to appear or become interactive. Checking too frequently is wasteful while checking too infrequently causes slow tests and missed targets.   Fluent waits require slightly more upfront configuration but unlock additional reliability for the trickiest dynamic elements that misbehave sporadically or have high variation in load times across page loads. The custom control over polling and error handling exceeds basic explicit waits.   So in situations where basic waits are insufficient – catching the element but it disappearing moments later or load times swinging wildly between runs;  fluent waits enable testers to model element behavior with greater accuracy, eliminate flakiness, and prevent tests from derailing by slight environmental inconsistencies. 3. CSS Selectors and XPath When website elements lack reliable or static IDs and attributes that Selenium can latch onto, CSS selectors and XPath expressions become invaluable for consistently locating the desired elements.   These advanced locator strategies have enough flexibility to model some of the dynamic aspects of web pages. For example, XPath can pinpoint elements by traversing the nested HTML document object model rather than directly relying on a fragile absolute reference to a volatile element. Relative positioning in the DOM
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Ashburn Virginia

5 Top Ashburn, Virginia for Wedding Venues

Feature image Alt-tag: Bride and groom holding hands. Ashburn, Virginia, is quickly becoming a prime destination for weddings due to its scenic beauty and convenient location. Nestled in Loudoun County, Ashburn offers a unique blend of modern amenities and historic charm, making it an attractive choice for many couples. If you’re moving to the area and planning your big day, you’ll want to know the best wedding venues in Ashburn. This guide will help you discover the top wedding venues and ensure your big day is as magical as you’ve always dreamed of. From historic estates to luxurious resorts, Ashburn has a venue to suit every couple’s vision, providing the perfect backdrop for your special day. Let’s dive into the best options available in this charming town. Why Wedding Venues in Ashburn, Virginia are a Top Choice Ashburn boasts a unique charm with its vibrant community and picturesque settings. The area offers a perfect blend of modern amenities and historic charm, making it an ideal location for weddings. Its proximity to Washington, D.C., and other major cities makes it a convenient spot for out-of-town guests. Additionally, Ashburn has a variety of beautiful landscapes, from rolling hills to serene lakes, providing a stunning backdrop for your wedding photos. The town’s growing popularity as a wedding destination means it offers a wide range of services and vendors to make planning your special day easier and more enjoyable. Caption: Wedding venues in Ashburn, Virginia, are a great choice because this area beautifully combines modern amenities and historic charm. Alt-tag: Road sign that says Welcome to Virginia. The Oatlands Historic House and Gardens The Oatlands Historic House and Gardens is a venue rich in history and elegance. Established in 1798, this estate offers meticulously maintained gardens and classic architecture, providing a timeless setting for weddings. Couples can choose from several beautiful spots on the grounds for their ceremony and reception. The venue offers an enchanting atmosphere that combines history with natural beauty, making it a perfect choice for any couple looking for a romantic and historic setting. The Oatlands also offers a variety of packages and services to help make your wedding day seamless and memorable. Belmont Country Club Belmont Country Club, known for its luxurious setting and breathtaking views, is one of the best wedding venues in Ashburn. The venue offers expansive golf course views that create a serene and picturesque backdrop for weddings. Belmont provides a range of services, including catering and event planning, to ensure your day is seamless. The elegant clubhouse and manicured lawns make it ideal for ceremonies and receptions. With its stunning surroundings and top-notch services, Belmont Country Club is perfect for couples seeking a sophisticated and elegant place that can accommodate both intimate and large gatherings. 1757 Golf Club 1757 Golf Club offers modern facilities set against a stunning golf course backdrop. This versatile venue can accommodate indoor and outdoor ceremonies, catering to various wedding styles and sizes. The club’s event team is dedicated to helping you create the perfect day, offering personalized service and attention to detail. The scenic views and elegant interiors make 1757 Golf Club a standout choice for couples looking to blend modernity and natural beauty. The venue also provides comprehensive packages, including catering and event coordination, to ensure a stress-free and memorable experience. Lansdowne Resort and Spa Lansdowne Resort and Spa offers comprehensive wedding packages and luxurious on-site accommodations. This venue is perfect for couples looking to provide their guests with a complete wedding experience. The resort features beautiful indoor and outdoor event spaces, including ballrooms and garden terraces. Additionally, Lansdowne’s spa services and amenities allow you and your guests to relax and indulge before and after the big day. With its top-tier facilities and exceptional service, Lansdowne Resort and Spa is ideal for couples seeking a luxurious, all-inclusive wedding venue that offers convenience and elegance. Clyde’s Willow Creek Farm Clyde’s Willow Creek Farm combines rustic charm with farm-to-table dining for a unique wedding experience. The venue features beautifully restored barns and outdoor gardens, providing a picturesque setting for your ceremony and reception. Clyde’s offers customizable menus with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, ensuring your wedding meal is both delicious and memorable. This venue is ideal for couples looking for a blend of elegance and countryside charm. With its warm, inviting atmosphere and commitment to quality, Clyde’s Willow Creek Farm provides a delightful and distinctive setting for your special day. Tips for Couples Moving to Ashburn If you’re moving to Ashburn, there are a few tips to help you settle in and plan your wedding. First, consider hiring the best moving professionals in Ashburn to make your transition smooth and stress-free. These experts can handle all aspects of your move, allowing you to focus on planning your wedding. Once you’re settled, take some time to explore the community and familiarize yourself with local services. Visit potential venues, meet with vendors, and start building your network in the area. Getting to know Ashburn will make planning your wedding more enjoyable and less stressful. Caption: It’s important to hire a good moving professional to handle the logistics of your move so you can focus on planning your big day. Alt-tag: A close-up of a white moving van. What to Consider When Choosing a Wedding Venue When choosing a wedding venue, several factors should be considered. First, think about your budget and what each venue offers within that range. Consider the guest capacity and whether the venue can accommodate your expected number of attendees. Personal style is also important—choose a venue that matches the theme and ambiance you envision for your wedding. Visiting venues and asking the right questions during tours will help you make an informed decision. It’s also crucial to consider the services and amenities offered by the venue, such as catering, event coordination, and accommodation options for guests. Caption: When choosing a wedding venue consider things like your budget, catering, decor, number of guests etc. Alt-tag: Close-up of a long table with
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Gold struggles

Gold struggles as US posts strong economic data

Gold struggles Invest ? If so, chances are you’ve seen you’ve been watching the prices of the precious metal avidly over the past month as price drop steeply from their dizzying January highs. As is often the case, the culprit has been the US dollar, but how is the dollar affecting the price of gold? Why do gold and the dollar have such a close relationship, and what’s our gold price prediction for 2024 – will it continue dropping or is there light at the end of the tunnel? Read on to learn more and become an aureate expert. What effect is the dollar having? Gold has hit a 2-month low as strong economic data has emerged from the USA, dropping to . US consumer spending is on the up at a pace not experienced in two years, boosting inflation ever further. This comes on top of previous economic data that shows the US is weathering the global economic headwinds well. The surprise data means that many investors think that the Federal Reserve will continue to increase interest rates, but much slower than before. What is the relationship between gold and the dollar? Gold and the dollar are often connected inversely – as gold rises, the dollar drops, and vice versa. The price of the pair is typically driven by the dollar though. Since it is tied to the fortunes of the world’s most prominent economy and is used as a reserve currency across the world, the price of the dollar rises when the economic times are good, and drops in line with the US and global economy. Gold, on the other hand, is seen as a safe haven, particularly against inflation. It’s also denominated in USD, so when the dollar rises against other currencies, the gold price rises, then drops in line with demand. When the dollar falls, gold drops, then rises as it’s bought in other currencies. There is only being a limited supply of gold too – only 187,000 tonnes has been mined throughout history according to the US Geological Survey – and the relationship plays out similarly whenever there are economic troubles. You can see this in the price of gold – it rose precipitously during the early noughties recession, Great Recession, and in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Is the gold price likely to remain volatile? So, will we continue to see the price of gold slide? Chances are, we will. Inflation in the US has been dropping back from historic highs over the past six months and is likely to continue this trend, so we’ll probably see gold dropping in lockstep. That said, we’re not out of the inflationary woods yet, so there may still be some surprises to come when it comes to the price of gold. What is the relationship between gold and the dollar? Gold and the dollar are often connected inversely – as gold rises, the dollar drops, and vice versa. The price of the pair is typically driven by the dollar though. Since it is tied to the fortunes of the world’s most prominent economy and is used as a reserve currency across the world, the price of the dollar rises when the economic times are good, and drops in line with the US and global economy. Gold, on the other hand, is seen as a safe haven, particularly against inflation. It’s also denominated in USD, so when the dollar rises against other currencies, the gold price rises, then drops in line with demand. When the dollar falls, gold drops, then rises as it’s bought in other currencies. There is only being a limited supply of gold too – only 187,000 tonnes has been mined throughout history according to the US Geological Survey – and the relationship plays out similarly whenever there are economic troubles. You can see this in the price of gold – it rose precipitously during the early noughties recession, Great Recession, and in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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5 AI and ML Developers and Stakeholders?

Development and testing Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transforming software. As these technologies become more prevalent, testers must adapt how they work with AI/ML developers and stakeholders. Effective collaboration, communication, and automation testing ensure that AI/ML systems are thoroughly and adequately tested.   This article will discuss how testers can collaborate and communicate with AI and ML developers and stakeholders.   Understand the basics If you’re testing artificial intelligence and machine learning systems, it’s important to first grasp some of the fundamental concepts of how these technologies operate. You don’t need to be an AI expert by any means, but having a handle on the basic terminology, approaches, strengths, and limitations will allow you to be a more informed, strategic, and effective tester.   Start by understanding that AI and ML rely on data – and lots of it – to detect meaningful patterns that can then guide automated decisions and predictions. Developers train machine learning models on large datasets, providing many examples that enable an algorithm to learn how to map different inputs to desired outputs over time. Testing data is used to validate the models are working as expected before being put into production.   It’s also crucial to know that while AI promises business value via insights and automation, the technology has blindspots. Machine learning models can perpetuate biases that exist in training data. They also lack human context and judgment, making explainability and transparency around AI decision-making crucial.   With this background knowledge, you can assess an AI/ML application’s expected capabilities, limitations, and potential risks. You can collaborate more effectively with technical teams in identifying appropriate test cases and performance metrics. You can provide an important non-technical perspective in ensuring these complex systems operate safely, ethically, and as intended when put in the hands of customers. Defining Expectations for AI/ML Testing With artificial intelligence and machine learning systems, ambiguity and uncertainty are par for the course. The complex, dynamic nature of AI/ML makes defining test expectations upfront essential, though plans will likely need continuous adaptation.   Start by facilitating focused sessions with both technical and business stakeholders to align on core objectives, requirements, and success criteria. Document these diligently. Seek to identify high-risk areas like security, fairness, safety, and unintended outcomes that require rigorous testing.   Define quantitative success metrics and thresholds for performance, accuracy, error rates, and other key parameters. Outline how models will be evaluated pre and post-deployment through techniques like cross-validation, A/B testing, and monitoring.   Develop clear processes for reporting issues found during testing, including severity levels and escalation protocols. Create feedback loops to capture insights that can rapidly improve models.   Recognize that ambiguity and unexpected results will occur, given the complexity of AI/ML. Collaborate across disciplines to investigate anomalies. Maintain flexibility, as priorities and test plans will likely shift as models evolve.   While uncertainty is unavoidable, aligning on core expectations, risks, requirements, and processes upfront enables testers to maximize effectiveness. Continued collaboration, communication, and adaptation are critical to managing the unpredictability inherent in AI/ML systems. Choose the Right Tools Testing machine learning systems necessitates an evolved toolkit that supports evaluating dynamic, data-fueled software that continues learning after deployment. Rather than testing static code logic, QA analysts must verify customized AI algorithms and models that extract insights from new data flowing through production systems.   While coding fluency isn’t essential, become conversant in popular ML programming frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Keras to understand how engineers build and iterate on neural networks. Leverage these frameworks’ integrated testing capabilities for model validation before focusing on end-user testing.   For experimentation, opt for ML testing frameworks like MLtest that facilitate testing model accuracy, performance benchmarks, and deviation detection in predictions. To simulate production usage at scale, integrate load testing tools for inferences under varied data volumes across multiple servers.   Prioritize test automation to keep pace with AI/ML’s rapid development cycles. For test case management, extend your current framework or adopt open-source tools like Kiwi TCMS tailored to machine learning projects. Expand test coverage by generating synthetic test data across edge cases versus manual datasets.   In representing the user’s experience, apply test approaches from traditional development like boundary, accessibility, and localization testing. Catalog defects occur not just when the AI underperforms but also when it succeeds in wrongly reasoned explanations.   Finally, assemble integrated toolchains that unite QA, data science, and engineering collaborators. Shared analytics dashboards can track progress across model builds, data pipeline changes, and live performance benchmarks. With AI expanding across the organization, arm business analysts to conduct user acceptance testing through no-code machine teaching platforms. In addition to open-source frameworks, leveraging a cloud-based test automation platform like LambdaTest can be extremely beneficial for testing ML applications. LambdaTest offers scale, speed, and advanced automation capabilities specifically designed for AI/ML testing needs Adopting an Exploratory Mindset Artificial intelligence and machine learning systems pose unique challenges for testing due to their non-deterministic and constantly evolving nature. Adopting an exploratory mindset is essential for testers to address AI/ML complexity.   With exploratory testing, testers take an investigative approach focused on learning versus pass/fail assessments. Exploratory testing emphasizes curiosity, creativity, and flexibility to uncover insights about a system’s capabilities and flaws.   For AI/ML, this means crafting dynamic test charters focused on high-risk areas versus pre-defined test cases. Rather than scripts, utilize checklists and heuristics to guide deep interactive sessions with models.   Conduct testing conversations with the system, probing to understand model decision-making and potential unfairness or inaccuracies. Vary inputs in unexpected ways to reveal edge and corner cases. Employ techniques like equivalence partitioning, boundary analysis, and error guessing tailored to AI/ML risks.   Analyze outputs across confidence thresholds, scrutinizing lower probability results for correctness. Check for degradation across sequential requests and within training/inference pipelines.   Leverage metamorphic testing techniques to evaluate results without clear pass/fail verdicts. Examine multiple related inputs and outputs for logical relationships. Allow findings to guide and adapt testing priorities throughout the iterative development
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5 Object Model in Selenium Java Automation

In majority of the organizations around the world Selenium is a de facto tool/framework for automating web browsers and web testing without any doubt. It empowers testers to mimic user interactions with web applications on most browsers and their versions, ensuring functionality, efficiency, and reliability. Just to be on top of the trends as on 2023 Dec, we have Selenium 4. An essential component in this is the Page Object Model (POM), a design pattern that enhances test maintenance and reduces code duplication. This blog post aims to explore the best practices for implementing POM in Selenium Java automation, ensuring your automated testing is as effective and efficient as possible. What is the Page Object Model? Understanding POM The Page Object Model is a design pattern that encourages better organization of code by creating separate objects for each page of the application you are testing. This model allows you to write cleaner, more readable tests, as each page object serves as an interface to a page of your app. Advantages of POM POM offers numerous benefits: Enhanced Readability and Maintenance: Changes in the UI can be managed with minimal updates in the code. Reusability: Common web page elements and functionalities can be reused across tests. Reduced Code Duplication: Centralizing common code helps in minimizing repetition. Basic Concepts In POM, each web page is represented by a class. These classes include locators to find elements and methods to interact with those elements. This abstraction makes the test scripts cleaner and easier to understand. Best Practices for Implementing POM in Selenium Java Let’s discuss top best practices to avoid any future hiccups and ensure the fastest and best result. Organizing Page Objects Structure: Organize your page objects logically, mirroring the structure of your application’s UI. This approach makes it easier to understand and navigate your test code. Encapsulation: Hide the internal workings of page elements within page objects. Expose only the methods that represent high-level behaviors, improving both security and simplicity. Efficient Use of Selectors Selectors: Choose robust and unique selectors for your web elements. This reduces the risk of tests breaking due to changes in the UI. Selector Strategies: Prefer CSS selectors over XPath for their performance and readability. However, use XPath when dealing with complex DOM structures or when needing to navigate the DOM hierarchy. Keeping Page Objects Up-to-Date Regular Updates: Keep your page objects synchronized with the UI. Regularly review and update them to reflect any UI changes. Version Control: Use version control systems to track changes in page objects. This practice helps in maintaining a history of changes and facilitates collaboration. Writing Reusable Methods Method Granularity: Create small, reusable methods that perform specific actions on the web elements. For example, rather than having a login() method, break it down into enter Username(), enter Password(), and click Log in Button(). Overloading Methods: Implement method overloading to handle variations of the same action (like clicking a button with or without a wait). Implementing Fluent Interfaces Chainable Methods: Design your page object methods to return the page object itself or the next expected page. This allows for method chaining, leading to more readable and concise tests. Proper Error Handling Custom Exceptions: Define custom exceptions that clearly indicate what went wrong in your page objects. This aids in debugging and maintaining the code. Logging: Implement logging within your page objects. This can provide insights during test execution and is valuable for troubleshooting errors. Testing and Refactoring Unit Testing: Write unit tests for your page objects to ensure their reliability. This practice also encourages you to write testable code. Continuous Refactoring: Continuously refactor your page objects as part of your development cycle. Keeping your code clean and updated is crucial for long-term maintainability. Documenting the Code Comments and Documentation: Properly comment your code and maintain documentation for your page objects. This is particularly important in a team environment to ensure everyone understands the purpose and functionality of each page object. Ensuring Scalability Scalable Architecture: Design your POM framework to be scalable. As your application grows, your test suite should be able to accommodate new pages and functionalities without significant restructuring. Integrating with Test Frameworks Integration with Frameworks: Seamlessly integrate your POM with test frameworks like JUnit or TestNG. It improves the structure and capabilities of your test automation test suites. By following these best practices, you can very well create a robust, maintainable, and efficient Page Object Model framework in Selenium Java. I will be able to handle the complexities of automated web testing at the same time it can be adaptable to changes in the application’s UI. Integration with Selenium Java Integrating POM with Selenium Java is straightforward. Organize your test structure where each page object is a Java class, and methods in these classes represent the functionalities of the web pages. Code Examples Here’s a simple example of a Login Page class: public class Log in Page { // Locators and methods for login page }   This class can include methods for actions like entering username, password, and clicking the login button. Handling Browser Drivers and Sessions Manage your browser drivers and sessions effectively to ensure a seamless test execution process. Advanced Tips and Tricks Let us dive into advance tips and tricks for using POM in Selenium Java Handling Dynamic Elements Understanding Dynamic Elements Dynamic Elements: These are web elements that change their attributes or are dynamically loaded based on user interactions or other factors. Handling them correctly is crucial for robust automation scripts. Strategies for Dynamic Elements Dynamic Locators: Use locators that can adapt to changes. Instead of relying on fixed attributes, use locators that can identify elements based on partial attribute values or patterns. XPath and CSS Selectors: Learn advanced XPath and CSS Selector techniques. Functions like contains(), starts-with(), or CSS Selector patterns can target elements with dynamic properties. JavaScript Execution: Utilize JavaScript to interact with elements that are difficult to handle with standard Selenium methods. This can be especially useful for elements loaded dynamically via
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5 Handling Dynamic Elements in Selenium Java

Selenium testing framework has become a go to tool in software testing. It helps testers and developers to test automation, making it faster, more efficient, and less error-pron However, one common challenge that Selenium enthusiasts face is dealing with dynamic elements on web pages. In this blog post, we’ll explore advanced techniques for handling dynamic elements in Selenium Java We’ll dive into explicit waits, implicit waits, fluent waits, handling stale elements, dynamic XPath and CSS selectors, and the Page Object Model (POM). By the end of this article, you’ll be better equipped to tackle dynamic elements and build robust automated test scripts. Understanding Dynamic Elements Dynamic elements, as the name suggests, are elements on a web page that change dynamically. They can alter their state, attributes, or position without a full page refresh. This dynamic behavior can be due to various factors, such as AJAX requests, JavaScript actions, or server-side updates. Dynamic elements can be a significant roadblock in automated testing because traditional Selenium methods often struggle to interact with elements that constantly change Common examples of dynamic elements include pop-up windows, auto-suggest drop-downs, and elements loaded via AJAX. Why Traditional Selenium Methods Fall Short Traditional Selenium commands like driver. find Element() and driver. click() work well for static elements with fixed attributes. However, they may fail when dealing with dynamic elements. For instance, if you attempt to click an element as soon as the page loads, it might not be present yet, leading to No Such Element Exceptions. To overcome this limitation, we need to employ advanced techniques and wait strategies to ensure that the dynamic elements are ready for interaction. Identifying Dynamic Elements Before we delve into advanced techniques, it’s essential to identify dynamic elements accurately. You can use various techniques for element identification, such as: Using Attributes and Properties Inspect the dynamic element’s HTML source to identify attributes or properties that can serve as reliable locators. Common attributes include id, class, name, data-*, and aria-*. These attributes can often be used with traditional Selenium locators like or By. css Selector(). XPath and CSS Selectors XPath and CSS selectors provide powerful tools for locating elements based on their structure and attributes. They allow you to navigate the DOM tree and pinpoint elements even in complex web page structures. Web Scraping Libraries (if applicable) In some cases, you might need to resort to web scraping libraries like Beautiful Soup (for Python) to extract data from web pages that don’t have straightforward HTML structures. While Selenium is a robust choice for automating web browsers, web scraping libraries can complement it when dealing with unconventional scenarios. Now that we have a foundation in identifying dynamic elements, let’s explore advanced techniques for handling them. Advanced Techniques for Handling Dynamic Elements There are several techniques, let us explore the prominent ones. Explicit Waits Explicit waits involve instructing Selenium to wait for a specific condition to be met before proceeding with the test. This is particularly useful for dynamic elements that load after a certain event or time interval. Explanation of Explicit Waits Explicit waits are designed to target specific elements and conditions. You can create custom wait conditions or use built-in conditions like Expected Conditions. element To Be Clickable() or Expected Conditions. presence Of Element Located(). How to Use Web Driver Wait in Selenium To implement explicit waits, you’ll typically use Web Driver Wait in combination with Expected Conditions. Here’s a basic example: Web Driver Wait wait = new Web Driver Wait(driver, 10); Web Element element = wait. until(Expected Conditions. element To Be Clickable(“dynamic Element”))); element. click();   Custom Conditions for Waiting In some cases, you may need to create custom wait conditions tailored to your application’s unique behaviors. Code Examples and Best Practices We’ll provide code examples and best practices for implementing explicit waits effectively. Implicit Waits Implicit waits, unlike explicit waits, are set globally and affect all WebDriver interactions. They instruct Selenium to wait a specified amount of time before throwing an exception when an element is not immediately found. Introduction to Implicit Waits Implicit waits provide a safety net for handling dynamic elements without explicitly specifying waits for each interaction. Setting Implicit Waits in Selenium You can set an implicit wait like this: driver. manage().timeouts().implicitly Wait(10, Time Unit. SECONDS);   Use Cases and Limitations We’ll discuss when to use implicit waits and their limitations compared to explicit waits. When to Use Implicit Waits Over Explicit Waits We’ll provide guidelines on when implicit waits are more suitable than explicit waits. Fluent Waits Fluent waits combine the best of explicit and implicit waits, providing flexibility and robustness in waiting for dynamic elements. What Are Fluent Waits Fluent waits allow you to specify both the maximum amount of time to wait and the frequency with which Selenium should check for the element. Implementation and Customization of Fluent Wait We’ll show you how to use Fluent Wait in your Selenium tests and how to customize it according to your requirements. Advantages and Use Cases Explore the advantages of fluent waits and their use cases in real-world scenarios. Code Examples and Practical Scenarios We’ll provide code examples and practical scenarios illustrating the benefits of fluent waits. Handling Stale Elements Stale Element Reference Exception is a common issue when working with dynamic elements. We’ll show you how to effectively handle this exception. Understanding Stale Element Reference Exception Learn why Stale Element Reference Exception occurs and how it affects your test scripts. Techniques for Handling Stale Elements We’ll discuss strategies for gracefully recovering from Stale Element Reference Exception. Code Snippets Demonstrating Stale Element Handling You’ll find code snippets showcasing effective stale element handling. Dynamic XPath and CSS Selectors Dynamic elements often require dynamic locators. We’ll dive into building dynamic XPath and CSS selectors. Building Dynamic XPath and CSS Selectors Learn how to construct locators that adapt to changing element attributes and structures. Using Functions like contains(), starts-with(), and ends-with() XPath and CSS selector functions like contains(), starts-with(), and ends-with() can be invaluable when dealing with
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Selenium Java Automation

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Selenium Java Automation

Selenium Java automation plays a pivotal role in the field of software testing, automating repetitive tasks, conducting regression testing, and ensuring the functionality of web applications across various browsers and platforms. Its versatility and power have made it an essential tool for testing teams worldwide. However, while Selenium automation testing offers numerous advantages, it is not without its challenges and pitfalls. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into some of the most common mistakes that testers and developers make when using Selenium with Java, and we will provide guidance on how to avoid these pitfalls. From the initial planning stages to robust error handling, we will cover essential aspects of Selenium Java automation testing best practices. Lack of Planning Effective planning is the foundation of any successful automation project. Without proper planning, you risk wasting valuable time and resources. Common planning mistakes include insufficient requirement analysis, unclear project objectives, and inadequate test case design. To avoid these issues, it is crucial to start with a well-thought-out plan. This plan should encompass a deep understanding of the project’s goals, comprehensive requirement analysis, and the creation of a test strategy that outlines how automation will support the overall testing process. By investing time in planning, you set the stage for a smoother and more successful Selenium automation project. Poor Element Locators Selecting robust and reliable element locators is undeniably a cornerstone when it comes to creating stable and maintainable automation scripts in Selenium Java. Element locators serve as the virtual GPS, guiding your automation framework to identify and interact with specific elements on a web page accurately. However, choosing the wrong locators can lead to brittle and unreliable tests, turning your automation efforts into a frustrating endeavor. Common Mistakes in Locator Selection Several common mistakes plague automation engineers when it comes to selecting element locators: Over Reliance on XPath Expressions: XPath is a powerful tool for locating elements, but an excessive dependency on complex XPath expressions can make your scripts convoluted and prone to breaking when the page structure changes. Dependence on Auto-generated IDs: While auto-generated IDs may seem convenient, they often lack stability and can change dynamically, causing your automation scripts to fail unexpectedly. Non-Unique Locators: Using non-unique locators, such as selecting elements based solely on their class names or tag names, can lead to ambiguous identification and unreliable automation. Enhancing Your Element Locators To bolster the reliability and resilience of your element locators, consider the following best practices: CSS Selectors: CSS selectors are a robust alternative to XPath expressions. They offer more straightforward and concise ways to locate elements based on their attributes, making your code more readable and maintainable. Leverage Unique Attributes: Whenever possible, select elements based on unique attributes like IDs or custom data attributes. These attributes are less likely to change and provide stable reference points for your automation. Dynamic Locators: Embrace dynamic locators that adapt to changes in the web page structure. Using relative locators, such as locating an element based on its relationship to another nearby element, can make your scripts more resilient to UI changes. Thoughtfully crafting your locator strategies can significantly enhance the stability and maintainability of your Selenium tests, reducing the likelihood of test failures due to changes in the application’s user interface. Inadequate Synchronization Synchronization is a paramount aspect of Selenium automation, ensuring that your tests interact with web elements precisely when they are ready and in the correct state. Neglecting synchronization can result in flaky tests, where the timing of interactions becomes unpredictable, and automation becomes unreliable. Common Synchronization Pitfalls Several common synchronization mistakes plague automation scripts: Improper Use of Explicit Waits: While explicit waits are a powerful synchronization mechanism, using them improperly, such as setting excessively long wait times, can slow down your test execution and make your scripts less responsive. Hardcoded Sleep Statements: Relying on hardcoded sleep statements can introduce unnecessary delays into your tests, and they are not an efficient way to handle synchronization, as they may lead to longer test execution times than necessary. Handling Asynchronous Operations Ineffectively: Web applications often involve asynchronous operations like AJAX calls. Failing to handle these operations effectively can result in test failures or unreliable test outcomes. Implementing Effective Synchronization To conquer these synchronization challenges, it is essential to implement proper synchronization techniques: WebDriverWait and ExpectedConditions: Use WebDriverWait in conjunction with ExpectedConditions to define specific conditions that must be met before your automation proceeds. This allows your tests to wait for elements to become clickable, visible, or any other condition you specify, ensuring that your interactions occur at the appropriate time. Asynchronous Operation Handling: Be vigilant in handling asynchronous operations like AJAX calls. You can use WebDriverWait to wait for these operations to complete before proceeding with your test steps. This prevents timing issues that can lead to flaky tests. By implementing these synchronization strategies, you ensure that your Selenium tests are robust and resilient to timing-related issues, providing reliable results even in the face of dynamic web pages and asynchronous operations. Neglecting Error Handling Effective error handling is often an afterthought in automation scripts, but it is a crucial component of reliable test automation. Neglecting error handling can result in unreported issues, making it challenging to identify and address problems promptly. Common errors in this area include ignoring exceptions, not providing meaningful error messages, and failing to log errors adequately. To improve error handling, consider using try-catch blocks to catch and handle exceptions gracefully. Additionally, integrate a logging framework into your automation framework to capture and log errors along with relevant context information. Proper error handling ensures that your automation scripts continue running smoothly, even in the face of unexpected issues. Unoptimized Test Frameworks A well-structured test framework can significantly enhance the maintainability and scalability of your automation project. However, many projects suffer from suboptimal test framework designs. Common framework-related mistakes include a lack of modularity, tight coupling between test cases and implementation, and inefficient test data management. To optimize your test framework, consider adopting design patterns like
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