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10 Parameterize Testing Data provider with Different Data Sources,

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Parameterization, also known as parametric testing, is a vital technique in TestNG for automation testing of application behavior against multiple data values and configurations. While exhaustive testing with all user data permutations is impossible, validating how the application handles different input combinations that end-users may provide in production remains necessary. Running automated tests repeatedly with a range of test data values allows for identifying defects missed by any single hardcoded dataset.


However, manually coding myriad test data directly in test scripts is laborious, error-prone, and leads to poor maintenance. TestNG alleviates this problem effectively through inbuilt parameterization features tailored for test automation. TestNG parameterization provides a robust mechanism for essential automated, data-driven testing scenarios.


This article will explore how to parameterize the TestNG dataprovider with different data sources, such as Excel, JSON, or databases.


What is TestNG DataProvider?

The DataProviders in TestNG allow passing multiple parameters to test functions in a single execution. Data Providers are annotated with @DataProvider and return test data as a two-dimensional object array. Using DataProviders, TestNG tests can intake parameters differently, enabling data-driven testing. DataProviders can be declared within the test class or created in a separate file, then referred to with annotations from test methods.


The DataProvider annotation differentiates these methods from others. When executed, DataProviders will feed various values into TestNG test cases, facilitating parametrized tests with a single run.

Benefits of Using TestNG DataProviders Over Traditional Parameterization Approaches

The traditional technique involves passing parameter values from XML config files, allowing only a single data set per test run. This proves limited for running the same test logic on multiple data ranges, a standard testing need.


TestNG DataProviders overcome this effectively by:

  • DataProviders allow declarative annotation-based injection of multiple parameter inputs into a test method within a single test run. This enables efficient data-driven testing by running the same test logic repeatedly with different data.
  • DataProviders promote simpler coding over XML since test data is specified directly in the test code via annotations instead of external files.
  • They also facilitate dynamic parameterization and re-execution of tests at runtime versus the static nature of XML test parameters.
  • The DataProvider syntax is less complex overall compared to traditional test parameters.
  • DataProviders enable essential test scenarios like parameterized and data-driven testing that XML parameters cannot achieve.
  • Using a tool like LambdaTest that integrates with TestNG enables seamless distributed execution of DataProvider-driven tests across browsers and environments for enhanced cross-browser testing. LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that lets you run manual and automated tests at scale with over 3000+ real devices, browsers, and OS combinations.


DataProviders facilitate essential test scenarios like data-driven, parameterized testing, which traditional XML parameters could never achieve. Their capacity to feed various inputs into test methods without needing multiple test runs makes them far more powerful and versatile.

How to Use TestNG Dataprovider with Excel?

Excel spreadsheets serve as handy delimited data sources for feeding test data into TestNG test methods via dataprovider annotations. We construct an integration framework that enables externalized and reusable test datasets by leveraging lightweight Java libraries like Apache POI to access Excel contents programmatically.

The workflow involves three simple steps:

  1. Design Test Data Sheet

We lay out the dataset as a grid within an Excel workbook, defining columns to match the parameter order/types needed by the test methods expecting injection. Additional metadata like test case IDs or categories can guide reporting.

  1. Serialize Sheet Contents

Next, we extract the sheet data at runtime. The Apache POI API provides helpful utilities like XSSFWorkbook and XSSFSheet for ingesting Excel contents into in-memory models. We traverse rows or cells using iterator style access, capturing into parameter array objects.

  1. Invoke Dataprovider

Finally, our custom dataprovider method returns the extracted Excel-derived arrays, with @Test methods accessing rows as test iterations via input parameters. The testdata provisioning resides separately from the executing test body.


The Excel integration reliability, accessibility, and interface familiarity unlocked by Apache POI combined with TestNG dataprovider annotations provides a smooth conduit for consumerizing test data and accelerating test creation. With thoughtful design, we tame complexity.

How to Use TestNG Dataprovider With JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a ubiquitous data format for storing and exchanging information across systems and platforms. With its lightweight structure, readability for humans, and ease of parsing for machines, JSON acts as an ideal data source for testing applications.


TestNG DataProviders empower data-driven testing by allowing test methods to dynamically receive inputs from various sources at runtime. Enabling DataProviders to consume test data from JSON files combines the strengths of the two approaches.


Through a few simple steps, JSON test data can be fed into TestNG test methods efficiently using DataProviders:


  1. Add a JSON Parser First, ensure a JSON parser like Jackson or GSON is available in the classpath. These libraries can read JSON content and convert it to Java objects like Maps, Lists, etc., which TestNG can use easily.
  2. Create DataProvider method next, create a DataProvider method to retrieve data from the JSON source. This would use the parser to deserialize JSON content to Objects[] or Collection of Objects and return the same. The @DataProvider annotation indicates this is not a regular method.
  3. Supply data to tests decorate test methods will consume JSON test data with the DataProvider reference. TestNG will execute those methods repeatedly, passing the datasets returned by the linked DataProvider. Any JSON attributes can be accessed within tests via the passed Objects.
  4. Parameterize for modularity for improved structure; tests should accept parameters instead of tightly coupled JSON objects. TestNG will pass individual data items from JSON arrays as parameters to test methods.


TestNG handles all the complexity of repeatedly executing tests and routing JSON data to test code behind the scenes. Configuring JSON DataProviders mainly involves one-time tasks like adding parsers and writing provider methods. This approach optimizes data-driven testing with easy maintenance of test data in JSON files external to test code.

How to use TestNG dataprovider with databases?

Testing applications invariably involves validating how they work with data from databases like MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, etc. These databases act as critical persistent data stores that need thorough testing across data connectivity, concurrency, integrity constraints, and more.


TestNG DataProviders greatly simplify sourcing test data from databases within test automation frameworks. By writing provider methods to connect and query databases, the resultsets can be injected into test methods automatically.

Key steps to integrate databases with TestNG Dataproviders:

  1. Add Database Connector Libraries

Choose connector libraries like JDBC, Hibernate, Spring JPA, etc., based on the type of database targeted – SQL or NoSQL. These libraries handle connections, session management, object mapping, and other complex tasks behind the scenes.

  1. Create DataProvider Methods

Create provider methods to query the database using connector APIs and return dataset objects or collections. The @DataProvider annotation flags this method as a source of test data.

  1. Supply Data to Test Methods

Test methods can now directly consume database data the linked dataprovider returns without knowledge of complexities like connections or queries.

  1. Parameterize Tests

For modularity, tests should accept parameters based on the needed data rather than entire domain objects. TestNG will pass individual columns from query results as test method arguments.

  1. Manage Test Data Sets

Test data can be isolated from test logic by externalizing to configuration files. Provider methods can build dynamic queries using values from these datasets.


TestNG DataProviders effectively bridge test automation and existing databases by acting as intermediaries. They enable excellent reusability of database access logic across test suites.

Handling Different Data Types and Formats With TestNG DataProviders

Test data driving test cases through TestNG DataProviders can be in various formats like string, integer, boolean, arrays, dates, and more. Each type needs handling in appropriate ways during test execution.


Main aspects when managing various data types:

  • Type Conversion: Native types expected by tests may not match external data formats. Explicit conversion is required, e.g., use Integer.parseInt() for string to an integer.
  • Custom Validation: Validate parameters against expected ranges/values before testing logic via custom asserts or exception handling.
  • Data Handling: Format date strings from sources like CSV/JSON using SimpleDateFormat before passing tests.
  • Collection Handling: For array, list, or map data structures, iterate, and access individual items within test methods.
  • Externalize Test Data: Use external files to store and vary test data sets for different scenarios. Load into DataProvider method per execution.
  • Parameterized Tests: Tests should accept atomic parameters instead of entire data objects for easier management across types.
  • Reuse Conversion Logic: Centralize common parsing, formatting, and validation code within test base classes or helper utilities.

In summary, handling data types and formats involve:

  • Converting external data to expected internal formats
  • Validating parameters before test execution paths
  • Smartly structuring tests to work with a variety of input types
  • Externalizing test data from tests for a more straightforward configuration
  • Reusing utilities for everyday tasks like date handling

Tips and Best Practices

TestNG DataProviders enable decoupling test code from test data for better structured, maintained test automation frameworks. But realizing the full potential requires some critical testing practices:

  • Descriptive Naming

Use self-documenting names for dataprovider methods and linked @Test annotations. It helps understand the data source and contract at first glance.

  • Granular Parameterization

Test methods accept atomic parameter values rather than entire domain objects. Adds flexibility to consume subsets of external data.

  • Input Validation

Validate expected parameters before passing to test logic. Catches issues early and improves debugging.

  • Exception Handling

Allow data errors to bubble up to test methods via try-catch blocks rather than failing silently. Highlights issues in data.

  • Isolate Test Data

Externalize test data sets into files referenced in code like CSV, JSON, etc. Enables quick changes without test code changes.

  • Lifecycle Management

Initialize connections/resources once at the start, then close post-testing using @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations.

  • Reusable Utilities

Create common utils classes for data handling tasks like parsing, validating, converting, and formatting.

  • Environment Handling

Parameterize endpoint values used in external connections to enable easy toggling across environments.


parameterization unlocks vital data-driven testing capabilities in TestNG to make test automation more robust and maintainable. By externalizing test data from scripts, parameters enable dynamically feeding of different inputs into tests without duplication. Automation engineers can define parameters upfront and directly leverage them across multiple test methods via a few annotations. This eliminates the need to code separate test scripts to vary test data.


With simple reconfiguration of parameters in external files, entire test suites can be rerun with fresh datasets. This makes suites both economical and comprehensive in testing application behavior across user inputs. TestNG parameterization ushers in fast, lean, and adaptive test automation alongside more competent test maintenance. It truly powers rapid test automation at scale.

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